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The Time Between

 The Time Between

Three young multitalented artists and three virtuoso musicians proceed on a terrificly romantic journey in the time. 
What happens actually between the time? Between just now and immediately? Where is the now?
How can one do this now tangible? We know what has been and sense what will come but the now will be away for ever. 
It falls through between the time, apparently not existent, although exactly this is what makes life so attractive, 
this continual millisecond which we are permanently searching for.
Marie Seeger, Lena Gutschank, Thomas Dürrefeld, Silea Adalwolf, 
Brit Rodemond, Mark Chaet, Giorgio Radoja, Bartek Mlejnek.

Music by Mark Chaet

Directed by Sebastiano Toma / 2008

Production: Sebastiano Toma
With support of:
Ueli Hirzel-Château de Monthelon/France
Tanzfabrik Potsdam/Germany
Holger Klotzbach/Berlin/Germany
Marie Seeger, Thomas Dürrfeld, Sille, Silea, The Time Between, Fabrik Potsdam,Tanztheater, Dance theater, Sebastiano Toma, Sebastiano Toma, Neuer Circus, Cirque Nouveau, Zirkus, HEART, Lise Pauton, Raiemanta Compagnie, Tiger Lillies, Meret Becker, Lise Pauton, Mark Chaet, Balagan, Little Big World, Set Design, Palazzo, Hamburg, Leilani Franco, Kuriositäten,
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